AircraftSlides Forum

Website Suggestions - Posts
03 Jun 2024, 14:41


webmaster > Westerhuis I can't access my WATCH LIST

Hi Auctions Menu in Members Area 

Then select Watch List 



02 Jun 2024, 06:16


I can't access my WATCH LIST

Hi Darren

For some reason I can't seem to get into my Watch List. I have had a look in this forum and you state somewhere it is under 'Account.' I do find a list with the three options: Live Auctions, Bidding and Watching, but there is no button to allow me to see the slides I am watching? Any idea why that might be?



15 Apr 2024, 10:05


webmaster > webmaster Own categories?

Hi You can now edit/add/delete categories in your own shop 



15 Apr 2024, 07:24


webmaster > Photoforce Own categories?

yes i am working on category management for personal shops - should be live in next day  - if you have other suggestions for the main MIlitary or Civil shop categories let me know thanks 

14 Apr 2024, 16:21


Own categories?


You use standard categories like European Air Arms. Is it possible (in the future?) that I can add my own list of air forces. Thanks in advance.

12 Apr 2024, 05:09


webmaster > MP Slides Problems with new "shop" section


It’s a feature I will add I realised people would probably want to edit them

In the meantime email me the changes you want to make and I’ll change it for you 

11 Apr 2024, 17:16

MP Slides

Problems with new "shop" section

Hi Darren,
yesterday I started to explore the features of the new "shop" section, I created some categories. Today I wanted to add more, change the name of one created yesterday and delete another. Unfortunately, once I access my area, I see that it is no longer possible to do anything:
- it is not possible to create new categories;
- it is not possible to make changes to those created,
- it is not possible to delete those that I no longer need.
It's normal?!? Where am I wrong?
Thank you,
Carmine (MP Slides)

06 Apr 2024, 13:09


JackFlash > webmaster Email

I have sent you a message -

06 Apr 2024, 10:02


webmaster > egarim Messages

Yes Ill look to add this in in a future release thanks 

06 Apr 2024, 10:02


webmaster > JackFlash Email

Hi Ive just checked this and it works, make sure you click the Update button below the email boxes?  If you still cant change it email me the new address and Ill update it for you 

List view will come in a future release, I'm just completing some other functionality first 


05 Apr 2024, 19:20



I have tried updating my email in "my details" -  no success.

Can you have a look please.

Also how is the "list view" coming along.

thank you -

23 Mar 2024, 10:44



Can the option be added to auto forward messages from the inbox directly to the member's e-mail address, in stead of / in addition to, sending an automated message to the member saying "New message received on".

18 Mar 2024, 13:56


webmaster > wammie007 image size

Hi A number of other users requested images be smaller as they would lose precision when made to large.  I think I can increase slightly and set a max width of 900px which should help and stop images expanding beyond that

I should be able to add an option to view full size in a popup so Ill look at that 



18 Mar 2024, 05:39


image size

Hi Darren,
Compared to the old site, the displayed images of slides are small; there is still some 7cm on the left and right side of the image before it drops off the screen. Can you make the displayed images a little bigger perhaps? Or make a provision like Ebay has that when you click on the image, it enlarges on your screen...
Kind regards,  Wammie007

17 Mar 2024, 17:16


JackFlash > webmaster Notifications

Working !

Thank you.

17 Mar 2024, 12:33


webmaster > JackFlash Notifications

Email notifications are going out fine, have you checked your junk mail ?

If you still have an issue email me and I'll check for you 


15 Mar 2024, 13:38



I am not being notified by email when outbid.

My settings are correct for email notifications

Please advise

14 Mar 2024, 14:49


webmaster > egarim Add auction


Auction Description now allows for 75 characters, hope this helps.

Will look into the other suggestions for you 



08 Mar 2024, 19:53


Add auction

If a file size is too large when entering the image file location, the whole data entry form is reset, and all the fields have to be re-entered. Can this be changed that only the image file has to be re-entered?

Can "Auction category"  be made a default  ?

Item "Description" has place for 50 characters (about 1/3rd of the field), "Aircraft Type & Keywords" has room for 75 ... Can Description" be enlarged ?

06 Mar 2024, 19:42


egarim > webmaster Invoicing - Payment instructions


05 Mar 2024, 12:05


webmaster > MP Slides Item sold notification

Its now back in the auction sold emails and also available in selling history 



05 Mar 2024, 12:04


webmaster > egarim Invoicing - Payment instructions

Buyer address details now added to auction sold emails for seller only 

05 Mar 2024, 10:27


webmaster > egarim Invoicing - Payment instructions

This has been fixed !

04 Mar 2024, 17:56


egarim > webmaster Invoicing - Payment instructions

OK, found it. But not very practical, as the address can not be copied. I use to copy new/changed addresses to avoid typos. So I would prefer the buyer's address also in the "You've sold an item" email as it was.

BTW, I noticed that replying to a post in the forum creates a new post, instead of a reply post in a thread. ?

04 Mar 2024, 17:15


TSR2 > JackFlash Viewing

I too prefer the LIST view , as on the old site. It makes it easier to scroll down, viewing the image on the left, and price & no. of bids on the right.   Or at least let the members decide what they cose...just like other sites do. 

The WATCH LIST presentation is perfect and is easy on the eyes. Please make all presentations like this. Terry

04 Mar 2024, 17:08


webmaster > egarim Invoicing - Payment instructions

Buyer address is in selling history - other info column - click on the envelope icon 

Can potentially add this back to the email if required 

04 Mar 2024, 12:42


Invoicing - Payment instructions

Can the formatting of the Invoice Payment Instructions in the preview be kept as entered when editing the invoice?
The 'enter' keys (line feeds) are ignored in the preview.
Line feeds would improve readability.

03 Mar 2024, 20:56

MP Slides

Item sold notification

I agree with egarim's question:
Where is the buyer's address? It's no longer included in the "You've sold an item" emails, why?
It is essential to know the address of the buyer to communicate the exact amount of shipping costs.

03 Mar 2024, 20:28



- The possibility to re-send unpaid invoices is no longer available ?
The "Messages">"Sent Messages" page doesn't allow to re-send invoices either.
Can a feature be added to group unpaid invoices and edit f.e. the p&p, to remind a buyer ?

-Where is the buyer's address ? It's no longer included in the "You've sold an item" emails ?


02 Mar 2024, 18:12


JackFlash > webmaster Watch List

Got it, thanks

02 Mar 2024, 17:32


webmaster > JackFlash Watch List

It's in the Account Menu 2/3 of the way down when you are logged in 

02 Mar 2024, 17:11



Is it possible to see the items in a list view vs the current?

I would really look forward to that change.

02 Mar 2024, 17:07


Watch List

I can't seem to locate the watch list, can you please direct me.

02 Mar 2024, 14:55


webmaster > webmaster "search auctions" isnt working correctly !

Hi Dirk

So for you example trying to search for F16 there are a couple of things to consider 

Sellers list F16 in a number of ways F16 F-16 F16C F16A F16B F-16B !

You could do 

F16 or F-16 or F16C or F16A or F16B or F-16B

Or you can use a wildcard which I havent put on the Search instructions yet but will 

Simply Enter the following "F16*" (you must use the double quotes) 

This will get you all F16 combinations.

Hope this helps 


02 Mar 2024, 14:11


webmaster > DiDirk "search auctions" isnt working correctly !

Hi Dirk

If you give me an example of the search you are tyring to do I can check it and explain why the results are limited 



02 Mar 2024, 12:40


"search auctions" isnt working correctly !

Hey Darren,

Trying now already a few days the function "search auctions" on the bottom of the home page and also via "auctions" selecting "search".
By "select scope" chosen "all slides" & by "select state" chosen "open items".
Then entering in the "search text" various aircraft types or names.
!! The result is showing then only a very limited open auctions from the specific aircraft!
Comparing this to "all live auctions", a lot of slides on auction from the searched aircraft type are missing.
Pls check & advise.


29 Feb 2024, 18:32


Viewing Invoices

There was an issue for people viewing invoices  - this has been fixed 

29 Feb 2024, 07:40


webmaster > MDT image size

Hi Marinus

Unfortunately this is a site-wide hard limit for two reasons

1.  Tens/hundreds of thousands of images at that size would consume a lot of storage space 

2. Most importantly, if we allowed images of that size, auctions listings and the site would run slowly because of the large amount of data being downloaded when users are browsing auction listings.

I'll email you about this to get some more information



28 Feb 2024, 22:00


image size

Hello Darren,
Started working with the updated site, good job. However, have a big problem with the 250k image limit. My files are ca 500-600k images, and a few ca. 650-700k. Can it be increased? If I reduce them in Photoshop they get on the site very blurry, and it is a hell of a job to alter/scan the slides for sale again. Have many scans that size in my database from which I load them on Aircraftslides. It was not a problem on the old site, please answer ASAP,

Thank you,

Marinus, MDT

27 Feb 2024, 09:24



Many thanks to those that have given us feedback on the latest release.

It was a significant undertaking re-writing the website.

We've already implemented some fixes and have a list of things like adding links back to the emails.

Feel free to suggest any other features you would like and we can add them to the list 

Note If you are seeing some strange layout or missing sections of the site it's a good idea to update you version of your browser.  It'll give you the best experience using the site 



27 Feb 2024, 08:09


webmaster > TSR2 Watch List

The watch list now shows a thumbnail and orders items by end date 

The page list has also been extended to 75 items per page 

27 Feb 2024, 03:49


Watch List

The Watch List used to show a thumbnail for easy viewing. Now its just a list and must click each one to view it. Very time consuming. They were also shown on one page for easy scrolling instead of flipping pages as it is now.

27 Feb 2024, 03:47


All Listings

How do you view ALL listings? The drop down menu under Auctions only shows, NEW, ENDING SOON and RECENTLY CLOSED

26 Feb 2024, 20:48


Watch List

I’ve had some feedback on this and I’ll be changing the ordering by end date and also be adding in the image 

26 Feb 2024, 13:45


webmaster > webmaster Message Users bug

This bug has been fixed

26 Feb 2024, 13:05


Message Users bug

There is a bug in Message User from the profile page or replying to messages  - Im working on a fix 

26 Feb 2024, 11:39



Please note your password is case sensitive - if you have a problem logging in please check you entered it correctly

20 Feb 2024, 14:30


Browser Incompatibility - Will it affect you?

We've developed the new platform using the latest technologies.  Most of these are very backward compatible but if you are using much older browser versions you could run into some problems.  

The site will not render properly in Internet Explorer.  This was replaced with Microsoft Edge in 2015 and Internet Explorer is now deprecated.

Our advice if you experience problems is to upgrade your browser.  We've listed browsers that are compatible in our FAQ 

20 Feb 2024, 14:23


Member Rating

As discussed in the New Features forum, we've introduced the concept of Member Ratings.  

The transition from the old site to the new one will not carry forward any previous feedback.  

To this end for the first few weeks your member rating will probably be low but this will rapidly increase as you receive positive feedback!  More in our FAQ

20 Feb 2024, 14:10


Auction Selling Defaults - May Need Updating

You may need to update your selling defaults if you have set them with HTML encoding using the old WYSWIG editor.  If you don't know what that means you should be fine!

20 Feb 2024, 13:59


Security Considerations

As part of the website transition, we have introduced a number of improved security measures such as the use of HTTPS and data encryption.  You can be sure your personal data is securely stored and transmitted and we outline this in the site Privacy Policy 

We do recommend updating you account password when the new site is live to take advantage of the latest security in place.  You can do this from the My Details page once logged-in.